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Writer's pictureRanjith Kumar samala

Real Interpretation and Future of Human Life Journey with Artificial Intelligence

Updated: Jun 3, 2021

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence is a field of computer science in which we can create an intelligence system or agent which can behave and think like a human and be able to make decisions. Here intelligence agent is a machine (Software & Hardware) that understands its environment and takes actions the probability of success is more.

Artificial definition:

Artificial is used to describe things that are made or manufactured as opposed to occurring naturally. Artificial is often used as the opposite of natural. A close synonym of artificial is synthetic.

Intelligence definition:

In general, an intelligent agent that solves a problem optimally, which means that the system will figure out alone what is the best course of action to take.

Artificial Intelligence definition:

In general, Artificial Intelligence is a broad area of computer science that makes computer systems or machines seem like they have human intelligence. The goal of AI is to mimic the human brain and create systems that can function intelligently and independently.

Artificial Intelligence has been defined and understood in many ways, as it encompasses a vast field within its ambit. Perspectives of AI also vary based upon many factors and actors involved.

Types of Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be divided into different types, but they are mainly categorized to two types (Type 1 & Type 2) based on capabilities and its functionalities of AI.

Based on Capabilities

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI):

Artificial Narrow Intelligence is designed to perform on one specific task or area at a time and autonomously improve performance. Artificial Narrow Intelligence ANI, also known as Narrow AI or Weak AI, have narrow capabilities. All the reactive and limited memory AI are corresponding to Artificial Narrow Intelligence ANI. Most Machine Learning & Deep Learning models come under ANI.

For example: Weather predictions, AI Chatbots, Product recommendation system in e-commerce websites or apps, Voice Assistants (like Google, Alexa by Amazon, Siri by Apple, Cortana by Microsoft and others), Self-driving cars, Speech recognition, facial recognition AI system etc.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI):

Artificial General Intelligence refers to a computer that is as smart as a human and that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can. Artificial General Intelligence AGI, also known as Strong AI or Deep AI, allows a machine to apply human intelligence or behaviours and by providing opportunities for autonomous learning to solve any problem. Artificial General Intelligence AGI uses a theory of mind AI type framework. AI researchers and scientists are focused on developing machines with General AI or Strong AI.

For example: Fujitsu’s K and Advanced Robotics. Fujitsu’s K is one of the fastest supercomputers, it has taken them 40 minutes to simulate a single second of neuronal activity.

Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI):

Artificial Super Intelligence ASI is an intellect that is much smarter than human brains in practically every field including scientific creativity, general wisdom and social skills. Artificial Super Intelligence ranges from a computer that is just a little smarter than a human to one that is trillions of times smarter.

For example: There is no such real example of this kind but in an Indian movie called robo, chitti robot in villain is perfect example of Artificial Super Intelligence. Nothing but a robot which can understand emotions and enslave human beings.

The following image shows the journey of Human Species with Artificial Intelligence and levels of upgrades happen in Human Life. The types of AI systems are also included in this picture.

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